
A helpful place for SXU Communication majors

Friday, August 13, 2010

Toytoa Sienna's YouTube channel

So I've seen these commercials quite a few times. They're clever, sure. I've also noticed every time that there was a link to YouTube shown at the bottom. It got me thinking about why it wasn't a Facebook page or Twitter account because, really, YouTube is more of a secondary site. You link people first to Facebook or Twitter, then post your YouTube link on there. YouTube is all video while Facebook and Twitter can incorporate them as well as give lots of information.

I finally checked out the channel.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea because it's quite the contrary. However, the Sienna is a family vehicle. Mom is probably going to buy this while dad takes care of the paperwork. Mom and dad, most likely, don't have YouTube accounts. Facebook and Twitter, maybe, but they don't know how to make videos and upload them. Therefore, use for YouTube is very minimal, meaning they aren't familiar with it. Yet, Toyota is using YouTube for a van that is targeting parents. A vehicle that appeals to high school or college aged people would be different because we live on the internet. We know how to navigate YouTube like the back of our hand.

A good idea? Yes. Appropriate? No.

Give me a YouTube channel for the Chevy Camaro and we'll talk.

Sienna's Channel can be found here.
Video courtesy of YouTube.

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