
A helpful place for SXU Communication majors

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Magan Marshall featured in Saint Xavier University's first Student Lecture Series

Organizational Communication senior Magan Marshall has had a very busy semester! Between senior project, participating in the upcoming Student Lecture Series, and being interviewed for WorldCat Local, she has a lot on her hands until winter break comes.

Along with other students, WorldCat Local interviewed her about the library search engine, how she uses it, and what she uses it for. It took place in the Bishop Quarter Room and was taped, so once the video becomes available, I'll post it.

Also, on Thursday, November 4th at 2pm in the Butler Reception Room, she will present her senior project for the first Student Lecture Series, which will be similar to SXU's Voices and Visions Speaker Series. Dr. Robinson told her about it over the summer and she agreed. However, she didn't know how big of a deal it was going to be. The other student presenting called and told Magan that the school wanted to take pictures of them for the posters. "I was like, you mean flyers, right? He said, no, posters." President Wiseman, many Sisters of Mercy, and faculty will be in attendance for the event. She presents first and the series goes until 4pm.

Her senior project is about light and dark skin and how it affects the way people communicate with each other. She interviewed ten females, five dark colored and five light colored, between the ages of 21 and 38, and they were staff and students from SXU as well as other colleges. She expected the skin color to be a factor in the communication. What she found out what that it only did to a certain extent; it was more about the characteristics of the person than their skin color.

If you have time, stop by Thursday at 2pm in Butler to check out her presentation. She's presenting first, so if you have somewhere to be, you don't need to stay the whole time.

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